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Conflict Management in Procurement

The vast majority of people would much prefer not to deal with conflict, if given a choice. Unfortunately, conflict is part of life, if you’re going to do your job, you have no choice. Conflict can occur in every aspect of our daily works such as salaries, promotions, recognition, evaluations, other team members, being managed too much, not being managed enough, task that were too tough, tasks that were too boring….


This seminar shall bring the answers of the following questions:

• What is conflict and conflict management?

• Why learn more about conflict and conflict management?

• How do people respond to conflict?

• What are the techniques and skills for solving conflicts?

• What is your conflict management style?

• How might you apply this information?



  • Mr. Tran Xuan Thien ,MBA, CSCP – Senior Contract Specialist, JVPC

  • Tam Nguyen Thanh, VNAT Ops Finance Manager, Intel Products Vietnam 



This event has taken place. If you are interested in this event topic, please contact us at so that we can inform you as soon as the next session is scheduled.

Conflict Management in Procurement 16.01.2016: Event
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