Digital Tools That Change The Game

Even when their implementation is successful (which is not a given), business software solutions often disappoint due to their limited range of capabilities, their old school, impractical and rigid interface and their relatively unclear contribution to the business performance. Most of the time, it seems they have been designed by technicians that are completely disconnected to how business works and how decisions are made and executed. Ultimately, we end up with a series of tools that are loosely connected and that provide disjointed fragments of old information but never a future-focus end-to-end view of the business.
Since 2008, we've designed, developed and implemented custom business software to help our clients improve their supply chain and operations. It has been a rich adventure that has provided us with valuable learnings on how to add practical yet impactful value to businesses. Our consultancy practice has allowed us to understand the business beyond the scope of a given tool, and how a modular information system creates gaps in the decision process from business planning to execution. We've brought together a unique team of technologists, supply chain, subject matter experts, scientists and experienced business people, to reinvent the way business tools provide value to people and companies.
We want leaders and departments to be aligned on what is today and what could and should be tomorrow, we want the business decisions made to be fully understood and connected to each other within a unique and integrated data framework. With a clear focus on leveraging prescriptive and predictive technology, we defined the design principles that would drive the development of our digital solutions:
Relevant - Not too much, not too little, just the right amount of information for users to take better decisions faster
Integrated - Offering an end-to-end view, cross-functional perspective. Every decision breaks down into lower level decisions without disconnect
User-Friendly - Intuitive, visual and engaging, requiring less than 1 day of training to be used
Easy to set up - Standard and documented APIs, standard data structure
ROI focus - Quantifiable outcome focusing on profit maximisation or environmental impact minimisation

Ten years of R&D and implementation in large and medium size firms in different market contexts has allowed us to develop one of the most innovative suites of business tools available today. Each solution supports leaders to gain an unprecedented visibility on its performance levers and to resolve critical business trade-offs and prepare best for an uncertain future. CEL solutions are not just alternatives to the costly and heavy duty solutions, we offer what they don't. We fill critical gaps in the decision chain, offering ways for company leaders and executives to get access to information that would not be accessible otherwise - the important information, the actionable information.
#supplychain #demandsupply #alignment #supplychainconsulting #routetomarket #supplychainplanning #supplychainoptimization
Our suite cover the following business challenges: #supplychainrisk #autonomoussupplychain #networkdesign #businesssimulation #distributionnetwork #supplychainsolutions

Unsatisfied with your current Sales & Operations Planning or Financial Planning & Analysis process? You may be interested in SIMCEL Augmented Business Product

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Not sure where to start your carbon reduction journey? You may be interested in GreenMetrix
#footprintoptimization #modelling #simulation #carbonfootprintmonitor