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SIMCEL: Advanced Business Simulation


Along our 15 years of experience defining route-to-market strategies,

optimising networks, improving client's P&L around the world,

CEL has cumulated one ofthe finest supply chain expertise in the market.

But knowledge and know how by themselves reach a limit as businesses

become more and more complex. That's why along the years we have developed

a unique software allowing precise identification of financial opportunities along your

value chain and to simulate what can be done to improve end-to-end business performance.

This is called SIMCEL.


SIMCEL is a business simulation software that allows to test different demand / supply scenarios and quantify the outcome at P&L level.

No more averages, no more consolidated figures, no more guestimates, no more excel... SIMCEL works at transaction level to provide the most accurate insight possible. It replicates every orders, every movement, every SKUs to every customers in a dynamic way. It is truly a Digital Twin of your business.


The power of SIMCEL resides on it's capacity to allocate cost dynamically, offering a unique perspective of your P&L at customer and product level. Knowing with what product and with which customer you are actually making or losing money already helps to identify what to do next.

Once you have identified areas of improvement, SIMCEL allows you to configure scenarios, run simulation and generate a precise financial and operational report of such scenario. Comparing scenario with the current baseline gives you a clear cut view on the viability of such an change.


Typically SIMCEL helps to answer accurately the following questions:

- Which product should we sell to whom to maximise profit?

- How can we reduce lost sales due to inventory shortages?

- Where cost could be further optimised?

- What would happen to our sales if we change our price?

- Are there a better ways to distribute our product? Where storage points should be located?

- What happens if our volume grows faster than expected?

- Would we have enough capacity to ensure demand fulfillment?

- What inventory policy would be most appropriate to increase service level for specifc segment?

- What transport mode is most cost efficient?

- How alternative transport would impact our ability to serve our customer demand?

- Etc.



SIMCEL combines some of the most advanced technologies such as big data Analytics (R, Python, MongDB), machine learning (k-mean, ...), cloud computing (microservices, AWS...).


Most common applications of SIMCEL:



" What is the cost of our product at the door of our customers? Are we really making money everywhere or should we rationalise our portfolio? What would happen if we change our price?"



“Given the market dynamics, the existing constraints and competitive requirements what is the best location to set up our new facilities?”



“With the demand required over time, how our capacity should be expanded to maximize utilization, minimize operating cost - optimize ROI?”



How much stock do we need to fullfil our demand at expected level of service? What's the trade off between inventory, cost and service level? What's the optimal level to maximise the company EBIT?


“Our growth objectives are going to require to serve new stores, distributors, delivery locations. What is the optimum distribution network to absorb this growth and to cope with a higher level of complexity?”



“We need to increase our cost efficiency, utilise better our capacity or reduce inventory? What is the optimum set up for us to achieve our volume and cost targets?”



“Given product demand in term of volume, volatility and cost, what is the most optimal configuration of the supply network, what is the most appropriate Make or Buy strategy?”


Supply Chain & Operations In Emerging Markets

#CEL #CELconsulting #operations #supplychain #emergingmarkets #supplychainoptimization #autonomoussupplychain #routetomarket #networkoptimization #businesssimulation #supplychainplanning


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