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Đàm phán trong mua hàng

Đàm phán là gì?

Lập kế hoạch đàm phán để mang lại lợi nhuận cao nhất

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Đàm phán có sự tham gia của bên thứ ba

Bí quyết và chia sẻ kinh nghiêm thương lượng để mua hàng hiệu quả nhất

Các vấn đề khi kết thúc đàm phán và theo dõi sau đàm phán

Bài tập và thực hành đàm phán.


Warehouses vary a lot in term of dimensions, functionality, storage and handling equipment used, technology applied. However, Warehouses are key elements in the supply chain of any company and industry. A well designed and operated Warehouse allows an efficient and effective logistics, enabling to meet the business goals and client expectations. But the reality is that most of the time warehouse operations lack of proper knowledge in designing and managing correctly.

​This 3-day course is designed to provide the fundamentals of warehouse operations to young professionals who want to develop their career in logistics.

Warehouse & Logistics Development

Configuring and managing the warehousing and logistic operation is key to the achievement of a company’s customer service and cost management goals. With organisations competing on speed, reliability and flexibility and the ever-increasing pressure for extended product ranges, shorter product life-cycles, customised delivery options and effective and efficient reverse logistics, warehouse and distribution functions are seen as a key driver of organisational success. Designing, implementing and managing efficient and effective warehouse and logistics infrastructure and process often requires enhanced capability across all personnel and a general up-skilling of the function.


This 2-day course is designed to provide insight into warehouse design and operations, good practice in logistics management and the role technology can play in supporting this key value adding function.

Best Practice in Logistic & Distribution Management

Logistic is the key role in locating products close to customers. The right selection of warehouses, distribution, channel partners, number of stock in each location will impact on our service level to consumers. Therefore it requires the method and tools to:

  • Design distribution network

  • Decide number of stock on each distribution location

  • Decide when and how many to stock in each location by using DRP (distribution requirement planning)

  • Design and manage warehousing

This training will provide a complete tool and skill set for you in logistic and distribution.

Vendor Performance Measurement

Assessing supplier performance is a difficult task. It needs a comprehensive system that can measure & develop vendors’ performance. In this training, trainee will:

  • Learn practical methods to develop their measurement

  • Understand concepts of vendor performance measurement based on continuous improvement

  • Study & practice to develop vendor measurement

  • Develop sustainable vendor improvement programs

Soạn thảo hợp đồng trong mua hàng

Mục tiêu của khóa học cung cấp những hiểu biết cần thiết để soạn thảo một hợp đồng thương mại hiệu quả và hạn chế rủi
ro trong mua hàng. Khóa học bao gồm lên kế hoạch để soạn thảo hợp đồng, hiểu các cấu trúc của hợp đồng, xác định rủi
ro và trách nhiệm, hiểu và sử dụng các thuật ngữ luật hợp đồng, các điều khoản cần thiết của hợp đồng mua bán và hợp
đồng dịch vụ.

Inventory Cost Reduction

For a good inventory management, your team really need to have proper knowledge, tools and methods to:

  • Understand what is the component of inventory cost

  • To sort inventory so we can focus on the highest cost

  • What is the source of highest cost inventory

This training will provide your team the toolkits needed to reduce inventory cost.

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

Supplier Relationship Management requires a selective approach. Good Supplier Relationship Management will help us unlock the hidden value in your supply base. We cannot have a relationship with every supplier; for many suppliers we simply need them to provide what we want, on time, in full, to agreed budget or price. For others some form of intervention may be necessary to keep things on track and yet, for perhaps a small number of other suppliers, it is possible to secure much greatervalue; value that can, in some cases, make a dramatic and game changing contribution to our business. Our supplier base therefore harbours huge potential; ranging from the potential to prevent damage to our business through to the potential to add great value to our bottom line and help us grow. The role of suppliers in our supply base getting more important due to the very tight competition to reduce cost.

Tổ chức đấu thầu logistics & Quản lý nhà thầu quốc tế và nội địa

Để tối ưu hóa chi phí và thời gian, các doanh nghiệp sẽ tìm cách cải thiện và nâng cấp dịch vụ logistics của mình. Thực tế, một số doanh nghiệp thuê nhân lực để tự vận hành, trong khi một số khác chọn nhà thầu trong mảng này. Vậy đâu là phương án phù hợp cho doanh nghiệp? Để trả lời câu hỏi này, chúng ta cần tự trang bị kiến thức về thị trường nhà cung cấp mảng logistics và kinh nghiệm liên quan. Cụ thể như thông tin thị trường các nhà cung cấp hiện có trong và ngoài nước, từ 2PL đến 4PL, các phương pháp và quy trình tổ chức đấu thầu, cách phân loại mối quan hệ và cách xây dựng hệ thống KPI cho nhà cung cấp. Hiểu được vấn đề trên, khóa học tổ chức đấu thầu và quản lý nhà thầu logistics quốc tế và nội địa của CEL Consulting giúp các học viên hệ thống hóa kiến thức và trau dồi kỹ năng trong việc lựa chọn các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ logistics cho doanh nghiệp.

Demand Planning & Forecasting

This two-day demand planning course covers the fundamentals of demand management and planning, the flow of
process and challenges. We also touch briefly on the evolution of the demand planning function and job scope as
well. We will cover recent case studies and situational analysis in this workshop.

Master Class: Designing your enterprise supply chains, from ‘outside-in’

This program is designed for executives at two levels in the organisation:

  1. SVPs/EVPs/CSCOs should ideally attend to better understand how customers in their served markets can be interrogated for the purpose of adjusting operational strategies, and ultimately undertaking a complete transformation informed by the market;

  2. VPs/GMs/SCMs should attend to learn the precise mechanics of how behavioural segmentation is undertaken, and how the results of this primary in-market research can be converted into supply chain designs that precisely link the company to its customers;  

K​ỹ năng mua hàng chuyên nghiệp dành cho khối Hành chính Văn phòng

Nếu bạn chỉ nghĩ rằng công việc hành chính văn phòng chỉ xoay quanh việc tổ chức công tác văn thư lưu trữ, quản lý con dấu và các giấy tờ pháp lý liên quan đến việc vận hành của công ty thì bạn nhầm; bởi với những người làm hành chính văn phòng thời buổi hiện nay, có khối việc mà có khi bạn phải làm ngoài giờ cho kịp tiến độ và môi trường làm việc sẽ không chỉ bó buộc trong một căn phòng.

K​ỹ năng mua hàng chuyên nghiệp dành cho khối Horeca

Ngành công nghiệp dịch vụ nhà hàng khách sạn café (Khối Horeca) hiện nay đang tiến triển rất nhanh cùng với sự cạnh tranh khốc liệt. Ở vị trí chuyên viên mua hàng, bạn phải chịu trách nhiệm cho việc thu mua nguyên vật liệu, thiết bị, hàng hoá và dịch vụ phục vụ cho toàn bộ hoạt động chung của tổ chức.

Lean Logistics

This course introduces the concepts of Lean Warehousing and how it related to efficient Logistics. Lean warehousing forms an important component of the supply chain – where controlling cost, quality and efficiency are essential for competitive advantage. The course will demonstrate to those directly involved in warehouse operations the various ways they can introduce and operate lean warehousing operations. The course is a mix of conventional training, team problem solving exercises and on site visit.

Sales and Operations Planning - S&OP Advance

Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) has evolved into a major business process adopted to manage the balance and trade-off between the conflicting preferences of the supply and demand side of the supply chain and offers many value creation opportunities. It is one of the most critical business processes used to achieve best in class performance to consistently outperform competitors. It is increasingly being viewed as essential to synchronise the entire supply chain in order to improve its efficiency. It has also been described as "a set of decision-making processes to balance demand and supply, to integrate financial planning and operational planning, and to link high-level strategic plans with day-to-day operations.

Introduction to Supply Chain Management and Beer Game

Program structure
Basic of supply chain management
Beer game

Demand Planning Management & Sales Forecast Best Practises

This interactive course covers the topics of understanding and controlling demand; the keys to demand management; the demand planning process and management of assumptions; the impact of the extended supply chain and the vital activity of demand control to bring order into near term activity. It particularly describes the business process of demand management as a critical element of the Integrated Business Management process. There will be frequent breakout sessions so that participants can consider the gap between the current HUFC process and potential improvements.

Manufacturing Planning And Control

As the market growing, demand become un certain, customer expect many variety (SKU - stock keeping unit) with small quantity. It is a challenging situation for supply chain in fulfilling the customer order with the right quantity, right quality, right time, right location.

Project Management in Manufacturing

There are some manufacturing environments such as make to stock, make to order, assemble to order and engineer to order. For each environment has specific layout, process and scheduling.
For engineer to order in manufacturing, is different in handling with make to stock or make to order.
In this training session we will elaborate all aspect of how to manage project in manufacturing.

Special Consulting and Training for GARMENT&TEXTILE industries in SEA

  1. Lean Supply Chain

  2. Support Services

  3. Technical Training Program

Demand Management and Forecasting

This two-day business forecasting course covers the fundamentals of demand management and planning, including roles/responsibilities and accountabilities, definitions, process flows, levels, timing and horizons, technologies, and mechanics.

Supply Chain Management & Sustainability

This interactive workshop will provide an overview of the concepts, principles, techniques and strategies used in managing global supply chains. You will get the latest information and trends in supply chain planning and optimization for every aspect of purchasing, logistics, and inventory management. You will review supply chain planning and optimization best practices and how to apply them immediately in
your organization.

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